Friday, October 3, 2008


It's fall again. So far we have had a fairly pleasant Autumn. Sometimes fall can be rainy and awful. I was thinking about what I was doing last fall. I was working at Bed, Bath and Beyond, one of the lower points of my life so far, where Halloween crap was in full swing. Plenty of people bought tons of Halloween and then Thanksgiving and then Christmas junk. I really don't see the point of decorating according to season or holiday unless you are a homemaker with no children. Who has time to redecorate every month? Most of that fare is pretty ugly anyway.

Actually, if the purpose was to scare the pants off of a 2nd grader, I know it would have worked on me.

My parents came to visit for four whole days here in Albany. I think they had a good time and it gave me the opportunity to act like a tourist. We went on some of Brian's old field trips and then some: capital building, viewing deck of Corning Tower, church flea market, Saratoga, Saratoga battlefields, FDR estate Hyde Park, theater, and Fowler + Auger Falls. It was a very nice visit overall. The best part might have been the ziti Brian made for us.

Two weekends ago I traveled to Boston to visit Rachel and see Thuan and Anna. We always have fun when we all get together. I feel very lucky to have old friends so close by geographically.

With the past two weekends so full, studying for the big test hasn't been easy. Trying to study on weekday evenings is difficult when the Office and ANTM is on.

1 comment:

Eric said...

post something new already! my blog stalking is getting boring!