Monday, October 20, 2008


Oh blog..its been to long.

A dream come true arrived in the mail for me. Unfortunately it arrived in Michigan. I finally got a jury summons. Sadly I no longer live in Michigan and could not become the awesome jury member I've always wanted to be. Ever since I read John Grisham's Runaway Jury I've wanted to join in the fun. I guess I'll have to wait a little bit longer.

Last weekend we went apple picking again. The place was really really full of children and pregnant women. They were everywhere you looked. We waited in line for doughnuts for over an hour. They were worth the wait. Also in line was a surgically enhanced lady. I had never seen one so close before. Her lips were huge to match her chest.

This weekend we visited Brian's old college. There was an alumni swim meet for his old swim team. The whole weekend was a fun time. There were a couple moments I looked around to find myself the only female in the room. A lot of testosterone going around to say the least. All the boys were super excited to be there again. I asked Brian what I should take picture of at the meet, his reply, "Everything!".

I recently had to get my heart looked at with an ultra-sound machine. I'm pretty sure it was called an echo cardiogram. I need to get checked out every five years or so to see if I was lucky enough to avoid my dad's genetic heart condition. I liked watching my heart work on the screen. I did not like the goop all over the front of my torso.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Goop on the tourso, yum!