Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mamacita, donde esta Santa Claus?

The holidays are here! Thank goodness we got another dusting of snow last night, I was starting to see the grass and it was a little disturbing. The big bummer with any snow fall for me is the maintenance man for my apartment complex snow blowing around 5:30 am. We had about a quarter of and inch but I guess shoveling is out of the question for some individuals. The other bummer about winter in my apartment is that we don't control the indoor temperature. Since I'm in a second floor place, we hover in the high 70s most of the time and that's with our windows constantly cracked open.

I always eagerly anticipate my winter break but this one has been pretty boring so far with no roommate or Brian around. I go to work everyday which is fine, but when I go home I get really restless. I'm used to thinking about so many assignments and projects that my head feels a bit empty. To make up for it, I've been watching a lot of online TV shows: Parks and Rec, Bones, Castle, The Office (again), Arrested Development (again), Top Chef (bootlegged since Bravo is stupid), etc. I've also been reading a lot of books. Current YA favs: The Sky is Everywhere and Before I Die.

There was a lovely Fowler get-together last night. I love Fowler people and I'm so thankful I decided on a pretty big whim to apply to work there near the end of 2004. I would have never met Brian otherwise and moved to New York and decided to enter grad school for librarianship. Seriously, right now I could be living in Michigan, doing god-knows what, and scoping out dudes on My current life is obv better than the alternative.

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